Production Status

Dear DiveMates,

we’d like to give you a short update about the progress that we are making with the production of the DiveMate Fusion.

We have placed an order for the production of the Fusions with a local company. This way we will be able to stay in close contact with the producer and will get quality „Made in Germany“ at the same time. These points are very important to us.

The electronic components were orderd in August and the printed circuit board of the FusionUSB and FusionIR were combined into one PCB panel (see picture below). This way multiple Fusions can be assembled and soldered in one step.

Nutzen Fusion
Yesterday we learnt that the delivery of one of the components will be delayed for 3-4 weeks. This means we will not be able to start shipping the Fusions at the of September.

Once the missing component has arrived, the production of the Fusion PCB panel will take only one day. Programming, final inspection, testing and assembly of the casing will also take only one day. So the actual production will be very fast.

We are in good spirit to have the Fusions in stock around end of October.